Working alongside Enfield Council, and taking into account the Council’s Park bye-laws, current legislation and recommendations from Green Flag reports:-
1.1 To maintain and improve Forty Hall Park (which includes Gough Park, being part of the Forty Hall Estate) to meet the needs of all users.
1.2 To determine the future development of the Park.
1.3 To protect the Park from inappropriate development.
1.4 To increase public enjoyment of the Park and to organise appropriate events.
1.5 To raise funds to help finance its work.
2.1 Is open to anyone with an interest in the Park, and supporting the above Aims, including a representative from any group, association or club which uses, or has concern for, the Park.
2.2 Every Member and intending Member will complete a membership application form to be submitted to the Committee for formal acceptance.
2.3 The Committee will approve all applications, without any form of discrimination, unless there are strong grounds for refusal; in which case the application will be referred to the next meeting of the Friends.
2.4 Membership will be automatically cancelled if a Member fails to attend three consecutive meetings without offering apologies for absence.
3.1 Quarterly meetings will be held in March, June, September and December.
3.2 The September meeting will be convened as the Annual General Meeting.
4.1 Will comprise a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, and up to four other Members, all to be elected or re-elected at each Annual General Meeting.
4.2 May co-opt any person to the Committee to serve until the next Annual general Meeting.
4.2 Will hold all funds in a Friends’ bank account and all cheques drawn will be signed by two authorised Committee member signatories.
4.3 Nominations to replace a Committee member must be sent to the Honorary Secretary at least 28 days before the date of any Annual General Meeting.
4.4 Will meet as and when required during each year.
5.1 The Committee may, and will at the request of Members in meeting, establish one or more sub-committees to act on behalf of the Friends in any matter appropriate to the Aims.
Notice of Meetings, Quorum and Voting
6.1 Fourteen days notice will be given for all meetings to those entitled to attend.
6.2 The quorum for every Members’ meetings will be 10 and for Committee meetings four.
7.1 In the event of dissolution all net assets will be transferred to one or more of other Friends of Parks groups, or organisation with similar aims, in the Borough of Enfield as agreed by Members in general meeting.